Secrets to Staying Healthy in College

Three tips that changed my life

Nina Hahn
3 min readJul 2, 2021
Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

Dining hall food was a wake-up call. It said, “Girl, you’re either gonna adapt or you’re gonna starve.”

For years, I’ve been a picky eater in terms of greasy and over-spiced food, which is a staple in many dining halls.

I’m here to tell you not to worry — it’s possible to stay healthy in college, even when there are few dining options.

My Top Three Secrets to Staying Physically Healthy in College:

1. Get sleuthy.

Scope out the dining hall(s) and on-campus meal options thoroughly.

Sometimes, the healthy options are hidden behind the convenience of getting a dish of hot food. My college had a toast bar before the pandemic, and I made peanut-butter-banana toast almost daily.

Get creative, too. Maybe you can make a sandwich out of a piece of chicken from the hot food section and spinach from the salad bar, skipping the fries and overoiled veggies.

2. Set aside some money for food outside of campus if need-be.

It’s hard to eat the same things on a loop, especially knowing about all the food that’s just a credit card swipe away.

Around the middle of every semester, I hit a food wall and start craving more fresh fruits and veggies than my dining hall offers. Every penny that I spend at the local grocery store is worth it!

If possible, get a microwave and minifridge for your room. Just having these doesn’t help with the healthy (I see you, mac and cheese cup and pint of ice cream). It does help when I want to stock my fridge with produce for healthy snacks and make oatmeal for breakfast in my microwave.

3. Yep, you guessed it: Hit the gym.

This one is essential for me. On day one of classes, I go on a run or to the gym. If I don’t make a habit of working out a few times a week, other habits will take its place faster than I can say “dumbbell.”

I’m a gym loner most of the time, but when I do go with a friend, it helps with motivation and confidence. If you start to dread going to the gym, find a buddy to go with who will hype you up and make you excited to go again!

Bonus secret: Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Health does not equal perfection! I’m guilty of sometimes mistaking rules for guidelines when it comes to health. In reality, the guidelines can and should be broken every so often.

Beating yourself up when you eat half a bag of Cheetos or skip the stairs machine will affect your health more negatively than if you accept what happened. Easier said than done, right?

It’s college, after all. Unhealthy food is part of the fun!

My “secrets” may not work for you, and that’s ok! Embrace your own journey to discovering what keeps your health train chugging along. And remember to listen to your body, live restriction-free, forgive yourself, and try deep-fried Oreos!



Nina Hahn

Loves fiction-writing, hiking and running, and eating peanut butter on everything.